Click on the links below to find out more about our charities

Our charity for 2024/5 is

We have raised £125

Our charity for 2023/4 was

Women’s Aid Leicestershire

We have raised £275

Our charity for 2022/3 was

Leicester Hospitals baby loss

at the maternity unit 

of Leicester General Hospital

We have raised £262

Garden Room LGH

Our charity for 2019 was

Hope Against Cancer

We have raised £375

Hope Against Cancer

Our chosen charities for 2018 were

Leicestershire Downs Syndrome Group

and Leicester Street Pastors.

We are delighted to have raised

for our chosen charities for 2018.

Leicester Street PastorsLeicester Street Pastors

Leicester Downs Group

Rainbows Children’s Hospice

Presenting a cheque to Rainbows
Presenting a cheque for £850 to Rainbows. October 2017.

We are delighted to have raised

a total of £1035.29 for Rainbows,

our chosen charity for 2017.